mentaliti rawak

04 January, 2011


kids on the move - Drop it

Set it straight; set it straight your words.
Against us and now Ill prove you wrong, and make it right, you wont stand out.
What you did, what you did.
Wont make a change you never did a thing and you complain. Youre going down.

What you have let go. You dont even have it since the first time
And now you say youre getting out (youre getting out)

Let it be, let it be.
It wont affect us and I think you cant, you cant win, and you wont stand out.
In the end, in the end.
You leave and what you did wont mean a thing, because you have failed. Youre going down.

What you have let go. You dont even have it since the first time
And now you say youre getting out

I wont care what you did it wont affect me I wont let go.
Like they say, this is me. I wont change a thing for that.
I wont let go

maaf,saya bukan seperti kamu, setiap manusia berlainan mentaliti dan cara berfikir,

bak kata Imam Hassan al-Banna ; “Saya adalah pengembara yang mencari kebenaran. Saya adalah manusia yang mencari erti sebenar kemanusiaan, Inilah saya, anda pula siapa?”

itu cara dia,jalan dia. aku percaya kami mempunyai jalan yang sama, tetapi cara yang berbeza. terpulang kepada manusia lain untuk menghukum dan mengkritik.

"I can promise you one thing: death will take us all
I can promise you one thing: you will die alone
We're all will die, we may as well go in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie"

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